Thursday, March 3, 2011

The beginning

In the beginning there was the Alpha & the Omega...but what about the other letters of the Greek alphabet?

My favorite letter of the alphabet is Pi, unequivocally. I enjoy the beauty of Pi for more reasons than its significance in the mathematical community. It is the 16th letter in the Greek alphabet. Its location places it at exactly 3/4th of the way through. Pi is where I'd like to be in life. Pi is what I would call the prime of life. If the average life expectancy is the mid 70s Pi would correlate to the early 50s.

I may be the only 20 something woman in the world that is looking forward to her 50th birthday.

Your fifties have so much to offer. You've passed the daunting 40s and have successfully survived your mid-life crisis. By the time you're 50, retirement is only a few years away, your children are almost grown and you find yourself looking back on the life you've made for yourself.

Yes, I'm looking forward to my time of reflection.

When I reach Pi, I want to be able to say I've led a fruitful life. The Bible says to go forth and be fruitful. Many immediately take that to be a direct reference to procreation, which in all honestly, it probably is but I read a little bit more into it. By fruitful, I believe not only should the fruit of your loins be a reflection of yourself, but the fruit of your mind, soul and ambition. Will you be able to look back on the fruits of your life and say 'Look at all I have brought forth'?

When I reach Pi, I'd like to be able to look back on all the fruits I've brought forth. My fruits will be my children, my career, and any kindness, wisdom, and joys I've brought into the world.

So somewhere, between Alpha and the Omega, before I reach Pi, I'd like to be the most fruitful person I can possibly be.

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